mueller safety box


Rescue operations on high-voltage vehicles

In-depth knowledge and the use of special tools are necessary for the smooth handling of operational situations involving high-voltage vehicles. At training seminars held at your location, fire brigade personnel, employees of road assistance companies and rescue service personnel acquire the skills they need for deployments involving electric vehicles.

With the help of exhibits, the participants “grasp” how the high-voltage components function in a practical manner and learn how to safely handle electric vehicles in realistic minor situations.

We distinguish between leadership training and training for the teams working on the vehicle. While the tactical aspects and background knowledge about e-mobility play a central role for heads of operations, after the theoretical part of the seminar the response teams work on small operational exercises. The participants can practice on a prepared vehicle and try out the procedure that they have learned straight away. The exercise focuses on the investigation, securing and documentation of the electric vehicle deployment site.

You can download an information sheet about the training seminars as a PDF file.


Get in touch with us!

You can reach our Safety Team using our contact form, by email or by phone.

Matthias Scharf
Phone: +49 (0) 2375 / 918 - 112
Mobile: +49 (0) 175 9327444

Katharina Capua
Phone: +49 (0) 2375 / 918 - 115
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 55277706

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