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For rapid prevention of hazards from suspect lithium batteries.

Lithium batteries are not only components of electric cars produced by OEM manufacturers – industrial trucks with electric drives are also finding increasingly widespread use in the field of corporate plant logistics. Paul Müller GmbH has accumulated many years of practical experience in the construction of emergency containers for the automotive industry. Our products were developed in response to demands from the automotive industry and the experience gained from hazardous goods load carriers already in use for the safe transportation of lithium batteries. As a specialist in this field, further development of the tried and tested hazardous goods load carriers based on the existing manufacturing know-how was a logical consequence. The emergency container is a deployment resource that enables rapid loading of suspect or damaged batteries directly at the incident scene via the opening front and dome flaps. The battery can then react in a controlled manner in the closed container.

If required, contaminated water can be drained via an outlet for professional disposal. The emergency containers are generally offered in four sizes. They can also be built in individual custom dimensions and equipped with access and removal points according to the customer’s requirements.


Video: HAVARIEBOX | Brandversuch mit Powerbank

Täglich befinden sich auch in Ihrem Unternehmen unzählige elektrische Geräte im Einsatz, in denen Lithium-Energiespeicher verbaut sind. Durch Überbeanspruchung, Stoß, Deformation oder unsachgemäße Handhabung entstehen Brandgefahren.

Kommen Sie vor die Lage – mit Havarieboxen für die Lagerung, die notfallmäßige Bergung und den Transport von 

  • akkubetriebenen Handwerkszeugen
  • Smartphone-Akkus
  • Tablet- und Notebook-Akkus
  • Powerbänken
  • Fahrrad-Akkus

Als Weltmarktführer bieten wir Havarie-Lösungen für Lithium-Speicher in Größen beginnend bei Kleinakkus bis hin zu 7 t-Batterien.

Fordern Sie weitere Informationen über unser Kontaktformular am Seitenfuß an.



Get in touch with us!

You can reach our Safety Team using our contact form, by email or by phone.

Matthias Scharf
Phone: +49 (0) 2375 / 918 - 112
Mobile: +49 (0) 175 9327444
Mail: mscharf@mueller-safety.de

Katharina Capua
Phone: +49 (0) 2375 / 918 - 115
Mobile: +49 (0) 151 55277706
Mail: kcapua@mueller-safety.de

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